Fuenlabrada obtained the accreditation of the Multiprofesional unit of Health Mental.

will be trained psychiatrists, psychologists and nurses.

Spain, 2011-September the Ministry of health has awarded the teaching Accreditation Unit teaching Multiprofesional of Mental health of the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, which concretará in the formation of two residents per year in the specialty of Psychiatry, a resident for the year in the field of psychology and two residents per year in the specialty of nursing Mental health.

The recognition of the teaching capacity of the hospital has been preceded by the desire to give coherence to the care dispensed to the patient psychiatric hospital from the various welfare authorities and has required a coordination effort of all educational devices that previously existed in the geographical area corresponding to Fuenlabrada and Leganés.

Instituto José Germain de Leganés, with its unit of rehabilitation hospital of medium and long stay, its ambulatory treatment centre and Hospital day thereof, together with the center of attention to the dependent of the municipality of Fuenlabrada and the community therapy of disorders limit of the personality of the clinic St. Miguel-Hermanas Hospital of San Juan de Diosthey are part of the educational devices that make up the new unit teaching Multiprofesional of Mental health.

Teaching hospital

Fuenlabrada University Hospital opened in the year 2006, patients acute psychiatric hospitalization unit. Later came the integration of the Instituto José Germain of Leganes-dependent neighborhood Mental Health Center in this unit. The hospital, since the beginning of its operation, has carried out a policy of close cooperation and rapprochement of all the existing welfare resources dependent both Councils and the community of Madrid.

Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada has shown its vocation teaching since its inception as thus highlights it the teaching accreditation in 13 specialties that obtained in the year 2007, scarce three years of their commissioning. They are currently 25 educational units accredited, bringing to 123 the number of residents. The year 2010 it was a new milestone in the teaching career of the hospital with the incorporation of students of Medicine of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos to start their training undergraduate.