Grateful for the involvement of the family physicians to achieve “big savings” in the pharmaceutical, 82 million Bill


The Minister of health of the Xunta de Galicia, Pilar Farjas, insisted Saturday that “all Galicians are guaranteed free healthcare” and “access to the portfolio of services” and “of course also the unemployed that the Government of Spain deprived of benefits and the Galician without resources”.

At the opening of the 16th Galician days of family and community medicine held in Lugo, Farjas has pointed out that “it is not reasonable” that the “most disadvantaged have to wait until January 1, 2012, decided the Government of the State”. “The Ministry of Labour acknowledged yesterday that in Spain there are more than 300,000 people in this situation”, he has highlighted.

For this reason, the owner of health has stated that Galicia “was launched in September, an order which resolves this fact on its own initiative”, adds, “without any formality”. “The Sergas card services are swapping automatically to keep the gallegos in this situation all coverages health and pharmaceutical, although Social Security to take withdrawals,” has apostils.

Bill pharmaceutical

In addition, in his speech, Farjas said the spending pharmaceutical represents one “major component” of the health expenditure “and one of which most undertake the future sustainability of all health systems”.

In the connection, Pilar Farjas has thanked the involvement of the family physicians to achieve “big savings” on the invoice pharmacist, who was 82 million euros between January and October.

On the other hand, said that the issue was not yet definitely settled was that of continuity between care areas, primary care and hospital care. “Since the Sergas are committed to the new organizational structure of integrated management,” emphasised Farjas.

“Our goal is to improve the accessibility, efficiency and the search for higher-quality health benefits.” “What is intended is developing organisational structures, with the necessary autonomy, incorporating both clinical management and management by processes, and achieve greater resolution,” explained.