(www.neomundo.com.ar_/_Boletín_UNAM-DGCS-150) according to an expert from the NGO Amnesty International, globally, one in three women is a victim of violence. In addition, they are paid less than men for the same responsibilities, or his job – which it made at the household level – is not paid.

Warned it in a talk given in the Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, Paola Velasco, of Amnesty International Mexico

Without borders

violence against women does not have borders, and distinguishes social, ethnic or cultural classes.

It is estimated that one out of three in the world is beaten, forced to have sexual intercourse or subjected to any other type of abuse throughout his life, said the expert.

These human rights violations are so common, that they are invisible, causing that Governments, communities and individuals are carried on their responsibilities, he said.

Murders of people close

According to the World Health Organization, 70% of the murders of women are perpetrated by their partner or ex-partner and it is the leading cause of death among 16 to 44 years old, he said.

In addition, more than 70% of people living in poverty are women, and for various reasons, have no right to inheritance, credit or property on their property, they are paid less than men for the same responsibilities, or his job – which it made at the household level – is not paid.

With regard to sexual and reproductive rights, there are 200 million have no access to contraception or information to control their fertility. This, linked to the lack of appropriate, medical assistance leads to the death of 500 thousand per year; every minute, one dies in childbirth, he referred. More information on health and science by visiting the www.neomundo.com.ar site – simply click with your mouse above on the logo of NEOMUNDO