Few know that foods also interfere in the oral health of people. Good nutrition gives fabrics of gum and the teeth, the nutrients and minerals they need to stay strong and resistant.


This form, shall be free of infections that can lead to gingivitis, among a number of other more serious problems


Each food has a feature that contributes to oral health. Some examples are the fibrous and harder as Apple and carrot, which promote the cleaning of the teeth and gingival tissues during chewing. Vitamins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus and appropriate levels of fluoride are also important allies for a healthy mouth. But there are also food whose ingestion indiscriminate can be harmful. Sucrose (table sugar) is associated with the emergence of cavities and deserves special attention


As it is practically impossible to live without eating sugar, brushing is the effective measure of removal of plaque and the best way to prevent dental problems. The TePe company, leader in oral hygiene products in Europe, offers all the best quality in the dental market. All brushes are soft bristles with ISO 9001: 2000 certified aligned, providing the proper cleaning of the teeth. “The brush usually must be soft, because it is also necessary to brush the gums, and toothbrushes can hurt it, wear the teeth and cause sensitivity” – explains the dentist Rodrigo Guerreiro.

> www.tepe.com.br/