(www.neomundo.com.ar) alcohol abuse is bad for health, but seems moderate amounts of this drink to help the brain. People who eat a bit of alcohol may have one lower risk of developing cognitive impairment or dementia.

These conclusions reached by a study published in the journal Age and Ageing. The authors stressed that indiscriminate alcohol consumption affects memory and encourages the neurodegenerative problems, but their study found that small to moderate amounts seems to have the opposite effect.


dementia covers a set of disorders that affect the brain, for which various diseases fall within this category. The most common is Alzheimer’s disease but there are other types, such as that caused by the stroke and vascular dementia.

One of the first symptoms is lack of memory, but as the condition progresses people suffer confusion, personality changes and difficulties to solve problems, to the point that can not carry out simple, everyday actions.

A little ALCOHOL of

To analyze the possible impact of alcohol on the prevention of dementia, the authors analyzed 23 investigations in total worked with 3,327 patients over 65. None of them suffered any health problems. Each participant answered a questionnaire about their lifestyle, especially the consumption of alcohol, and went through a review of health that repeated a year and a half and three years later.

In the period that lasted research, 217 people developed some form of dementia. The authors noted that moderate alcohol consumption was associated with one lower risk of developing this condition, especially Alzheimer’s disease.

Is not yet known if the different types of alcoholic beverages; as the beer, wine and white beverages; have an effect similar in the development of dementia, though some of the analyzed research suggest that greater protection could come from the wine. More information about science and health in www.neomundo.com.ar