(www.neomundo.com.ar) A diet healthy and balanced brings many health benefits and one of them seems to be the reduction of the loss of vision caused by degeneration macular associated with age and other pathologies that affect the eyes.

Conclusions reached by an investigation conducted by the Tufts University (United States).

The problems of vision and the cost involved at the level of quality of life and public health tend to increase with the passage of the years in part because of the increase in life expectancy. Having more older adults is detected a greater proportion of evils as degeneration macular.

A great cause of BLINDNESS

macular degeneration associated with age represents the leading cause of vision loss in people older than 60 years. This condition occurs in the macula, the central part of the retina that allows a clear view of the details. Peripheral vision, on the other hand, remains intact.

The first symptom is usually blurred vision in the center of the visual field and the need for more light to see. Advancing disease increases the little clear portion of the visual field and begins to be carrying out everyday tasks difficult.

Still is there a cure for this disease but various treatments are holding back the progress of degeneration macular. Early diagnosis is crucial because the lost vision cannot be retrieved.

Nutrients key

the researchers worked with 4000 men and women from 55 to 80 years of age and analysed their consumption of different types of nutrients. Then they cotejaron their eating habits with the possible loss of vision due to various diseases, and published their findings in the journal Ophthalmology.

The authors noted that regularly consume a good intake of nutrients in combination with low glycaemic index carbohydrates (i.e., those who are slowly assimilated) appear to protect people from degeneration associated with age-related macular.

Nutrients that proved most essential include vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin and famous omega-3 fatty acids.

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