Guiasalud broadcast the first manual for the involvement of patients in the development of guides of Spain.

is the first publication in Spain that focuses entirely on the participation of patients developing clinical guidelines (CPG).

Zaragoza, March of 2013. The Instituto Aragonés Sciences of health (IACS) as Secretary of Guiasalud, publishes a new methodological manual that aims to promote the involvement of patients in any of the stages of development of a guide to clinical practice (GPC): defining the scope, search and evaluation of evidence, the formulation of recommendations, etc.

The GPC are recommendations developed in a systematic way to help professionals and patients make decisions about appropriate health care and select the diagnostic and therapeutic options most appropriate in dealing with a problem or health condition specific.

The manual aims to provide tools, methods and strategies that facilitate the incorporation and participation of patients or their perspective on the development of a CPG, health and non-health professionals.

The participation of professionals and patients in the process of elaboration of the GPC is essential to ensure their acceptance and the follow-up on the recommendations of the guidelines. Depending on the level of participation and involvement of patients in the elaboration of the GPC, it is possible to identify the important and relevant issues for them; understand the impact of health on the life of presenting it and its environment condition; explore your needs for information and support, and understand their point of view and their families about the condition of health.

Access to the full text of the manual is free and is available on the website Guiasalud.

The manual is a step forward in the participation of patients in the elaboration of guidelines based on scientific evidence, in addition to their collaboration gets get a more comprehensive vision, his involvement may be key for the implementation of the recommendations of the Guide. other manuals prepared by Guiasalud, available in your portal are: Manual elaboration of GPC (2007), (2009) GPC update Manual and implementation handbook for GPC (2009).

About Guiasalud

Guiasalud is an agency of the NHS which involves the 17 autonomous communities, endorsed by the Inter-territorial Council in 2003, as an instrument to improve the quality of health care in the NHS and financed by the Ministry of health.

Guiasalud coordinates the program of GPC in the NHS which works together with the agencies and units of health technology assessment for development, dissemination and implementation of guidelines based on the best available evidence following a homogeneous and proven methodology.