Half of Europeans unknown causes and treatments of allergy to pollen from trees.

first European survey on allergy to pollen from trees.

-Spaniards and parents of allergic children, Europeans who increase their level of knowledge about this disease

– Although the majority of citizens know that you can cause asthma, 6 of every 10 are unaware that allergy to pollen from trees may also be accompanied by some food allergies

– in the months of February and March the most common allergy is to Cupressaceae (cypresses and arizonica), in the Center and North of the Peninsula

Madrid, 2013-February half Europeans unknown causes and the treatments available for allergy to pollen from trees. Spaniards and parents of allergic children are those who have more knowledge about the disease, while the Frenchmen and citizens without studies are worse informed.

The European population survey on allergy to pollen from trees, carried out by Stallergenes S.A. among a sample of more than 5,000 people from Germany, Austria, Spain and France, reveals a low level of knowledge of European citizens on this type of allergy, predominantly in Europe. Proof of this is that, in spite of to believe that they are knowledgeable about their seasonality, 7 out of 10 Europeans confused the dates that the allergy may occur, citing months outside the pollen calendar.

The survey results also show that, although the majority of Europeans know that allergy to pollen from trees can cause asthma (84%), 6 of every 10 are unaware that, in addition, it may be accompanied by some food allergies. The citizens of Germany and Austria are those who are more familiar with the existence of these possible cross allergies.

For the Dr. Ana Isabel Tabar, Chief of the allergy service at the Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra, in the case of Spain, the population is very influenced by the impact and the importance of allergy to pollens of olive tree, occurring mostly in Extremadura and Andalusia (May and June), but it is present in virtually all of the Peninsula ”.

Other very common allergies are allergy to the banana in the Mediterranean area, which happens in March and April, and allergy to Cupressaceae (cypresses and arizonica), in the Centre and North during the months of February and March ”, added the expert.

Significantly over the everyday life

Symptoms of allergy to pollen from trees are identical to those produced by other inhalant allergens (mites, epithelia, grass pollen…) being able to cause rhinitis (sneezing, nasal blockage or obstruction, hidrorrea or watery nasal discharge) conjunctivitis (eye pruritus, conjunctival injection and tearing) and even asthma (whistles or Esser)(, fatigue or shortness of breath, tightness in chest …) in its most serious forms of tree pollen allergy can affect significantly to the daily life of the patient. 8 Of every 10 Spaniards, it can cause a drop in labor productivity and concentration difficulties. And, in children, 8 out of 10 Europeans believe that allergy can have consequences in their learning in school if adequate measures are not taken. Despite this, half of the French considered that it is not a real illness, but only a mere inconvenience, and 7 of every 10 Austrians think that, although it bothers, one is can get to live with her without having to go to the specialist. In general, people who tend to underestimate the severity of the allergy to pollen from trees also are those who are worse informed: Frenchmen and citizens without studies.

The Europeans who underestimate the disease would change their perception if they knew how can evolve to become serious and how it facilitates other sensitivities. People suffering from allergies to food and other pollens do perceive it more seriously ”, assures Dr. Tabar.

Finally, the Spaniards are also mostly believe that allergy to pollen from trees need a specific treatment with medication (81%). Allergen immunotherapy is treatment indicated by the Allergist when the patient has not been adequately controlled by symptomatic treatments.


The European population survey on allergy to pollen from trees has been carried out by Stallergenes S.A. in Germany, Austria, Spain and France. A representative sample of 5,016 (1,250 per country) people of ages from 18 years took part in the survey. Respondents – representative sample of the national population – responded to a questionnaire on line of 35 questions.

on Stallergenes

Stallergenes S.A. . is a biopharmaceutical company international, a leader in the manufacture and innovation of allergen immunotherapy treatments. Stallergenes markets its products to prevent and control the allergic disease in 50 countries, through more than 10 subsidiaries in Europe and 40 agreements of distribution and collaboration around the world.

Stallergenes in Antony (France) factory is the largest center of production of allergens prepared specifically for a patient (APEP) in the world, making it more than 150 different allergens to treat more than 500,000 patients annually.

Around 20% of the annual turnover of the pharmaceutical company is earmarked for research and development. In 2012, Stallergenes had a volume of € 242 million.

Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. is the subsidiary of Stallergenes S.A. in Spain. Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. has one portfolio of products sufficient to treat 95% of patients affected by allergic respiratory diseases and has been characterized, since its implementation in Spanish territory 12 years ago, by a strong work of research into new products.