Half of the people suffering from glaucoma don’t know.

– is the second leading cause of blindness in the world, affecting about one million people in Spain

– in most cases the patient is not aware of that suffers from glaucoma until it has lost much of the visual field since, generally, does not produce obvious symptoms. It is said that it is a silent disease

-the groups with increased risk of developing this disease are over the age of 60 years, patients with immediate family members who have had it and people with high myopia or other eye diseases

-is important to undergo a complete review at 40 every 2 years. The early diagnosis of glaucoma would prevent 95% of the cases of blindness. The vision that is lost due to glaucoma cannot be restored

A Coruña, March 2013- the world Glaucoma Association (WGA) and the World Association of patients with Glaucoma (WPGA) have established this week as the world Glaucoma week) in order to inform and educate the population about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of glaucoma. This disease affects about 5 million people in the world (according to data from the World Health Organization) making it the second leading cause of blindness behind the falls.

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that cause progressive damage to the optic nerve, usually associated with high eye pressure. If it is not in time, vision may be lost completely.

A silent disease

Half of the people who have glaucoma are not aware of it until they have already lost much of the visual field, as usual, does not produce obvious symptoms. Only in the case of an acute glaucoma attack, we can notice that the eye turns red and causes intense pain, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and blurred vision. The risk of falls in patients with glaucoma is four times higher. It also poses a danger for driving since the patient not warns itself has reduced visual field.

The sectors of the population most affected by this disease are over the age of 60 years, patients with immediate family members who have suffered from glaucoma, people with myopia or other eye diseases.

From the clinical view Gutierrez Amorós is recommended to undergo a complete review of the eyes every 2 years, mostly from the 40. The early diagnosis of glaucoma would prevent 95% of the cases of blindness.


The only known risk factor and against which they can fight is high intraocular pressure. There are diagnostic tests to determine predisposition to the disease.

The treatments available at the clinic are drugs (basically eye drops), laser (Trabeculoplasty) or surgery treatment.

The vision that is lost due to glaucoma, can not recover.