Health has served 85,000 patients in the unit of recovery Postanestésica of the Hospital Universitario de La Candelaria in the past nine years.

-known as URPA, this area of specialized care is organised in two specific units to treat patients after the surgery. around 70 professionals ensure the recovery and the comfort of these users after his departure from the operating room

– it is one of the 28 service of Hospital Universitario Ntra. Mrs. Candelaria accredited by AENOR quality standard

Spain, October 2010.- the unit of recovery Postanestésica (URPA) of the Hospital Universitario Ntra. Ms. de Candelaria (HUNSC), attached to the Ministry of health of the Canary, celebrated in 2010 its nine years of operation in the existing facilities, having served approximately 85,000 patients during this stage.

is a vital Department for hospital care because without this unit not be could operate, since its role is focused on giving specific care in the aftermath of the surgery in a patient. Currently has the most advanced means to help overcome truly postoperative patients of different specialties complicated. These patients is sometimes connected to devices of mechanical ventilation or dialysis, so require care, specific and high quality.

URPA, located in the third and fourth floor with the surgical area, is composed by two sections. On the one hand, the unit of recovery which operated patients are monitored until that can be discharged from the plant of hospitalization, between one and five hours later.

Second is the resuscitation unit, whose operation is similar to an intensive care unit while serving people who have been surgically operated on long operations or complex, or by diseases suffering from are considered high-risk for anesthesia patients, says Dr. Elena Espinosa, head of the unit of Postanestésica resuscitation of the Ntra University Hospital. Mrs. Candelaria.

Material and professional of the URPA resources

Postanestésica resuscitation unit has a total of 24 beds (12 beds of resuscitation, 4 beds for 24-hour recovery and 8 beds for recovery), where each box is equipped with the necessary material and other monitoring devices such as respirators multiparameter monitors and mechanical ventilators, among others.

The URPA is vital because it give the first care a recently operated patient, they are as fundamental as the surgery itself, explains Iñaki the dam Murua, Coordinator of nursing of the surgical area of the HUNSC. In this unit seek to eradicate possible postoperative pain and the patient receiving intensive care 24 hours a day in an environment of comfort. Thus control their vital signs, drainage and it or prevent possible complications associated with the process ”.

Around 70 professionals from medical anaesthetists, nurses, assistants, celadores and cleaning, care 24 hours a day this unit. For this they have been prepared in such a way that can resolve situations of extreme urgency and maximum seriousness. There is also a fundamental objective of the URPA attention to family members of patients, who established a close relationship, given that many patients are intubated and sedated.

The involvement and the efforts of this workforce of Hospital Universitario Ntra. Mrs. Candelaria has been rewarded in the past years with the highest national distinction on quality, which is to obtain the AENOR standard that certifies the quality of the services to all its users.