foot is the part of the body more susceptible to pain and discomfort, in addition to the most unprotected area for fungi, bacteria or any organism. Not often maintain a healthy feet can cause us in the long run, disorders in them. Such as pain, infection of disease and unrest. However, it seems it will changing habits and many people know how to care for properly it zone.

but if even someone is confused and does not even know how to keep feet healthy and beautiful, from the blog will give the solution. then will get some tips to know how take care of our feet.

Health tips for the feet

  • never must be ignored if there is pain in the feet. Foot pain is caused by something external or a bruise occurred without noticing. If we continue forcing the foot that hurts us to only get worse the unrest, and if we have a more severe damage damage rehabilitation. Therefore, if we notice that he hurts us any part of the foot we sit and see what is the cause of the pain. It may be a gall in the sock, a shoe uncomfortable or an object which reduces us stability when walking. If we see that pain is deeper, it is better to see a doctor to rule out another thing that can worsen with time.

  • have to wash the feet thoroughly and regularly. To keep them away from any infection or cradle of fungi and bacteria. Us we lavaremos with a gel specific, if necessary, remove awareness and hidrataremos the skin of the same. You can use an anti-fúngica cream or anti-odor if.