Hodgkins the cause is unknown, but found some relation to individual genetic factors, family history, environmental exposures and agents infections. The Hodgkin’s disease, also called Hodgkin Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system tissues: lymph nodes, which are less than a centimeter round structures located throughout the human body (under the skin of the neck, the neck, armpits, ingles wearers, abdomen, chest …), which are connected to each other forming a network through lymph vessels through which runs a substance called lymph, movement flowing in your blood. can occur at any age, although the majority of cases affects people between 15 and 34 years old and older than 60. This Lymphoma, depending on the variant, can be one of the following characteristics of cancer:

-rapid multiplication of cells – abnormal cell types – loss of the normal relationship of cells between Yes – ability of invasion

when starts increased in size to the lymph node, it can cause you pain and progresses in a fairly predictable way traveling – if it is not – from a group of lymph nodes to another. More advanced cases affect arm, liver and bone marrow.

The constitutional symptoms, i.e. they affect the entire body, include fever, weight loss, abundant sweating at night, itching, and occasionally, pain after consuming alcoholic beverages.

To the node increases can press against the nearby structures giving rise to other local symptoms such as pain due to pressure on Nerve roots, and loss of function of specific muscle groups dependent on nerves that are compressed. Renal failure, for example, may be the result of compression of the ureters, the ducts that lead the urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

The immune system who is suffering is increasingly less able to fight against this infection, against common infections caused by bacteria and opportunistic infections caused by viruses, fungi and protozoa (protozarios).

Routes: Enciclipedia of the alternatives medicines, and Association Spanish of Pediatrics.

Tags: Cancer, hodgkin’s disease, infections