Day hospital on the delayed effects of polio.

Spain, 2011-September the Andalusian Association of people with Polio sequels, its delayed effects and syndrome PostPoliomieltis AGASI ”, will take place from the 12th until September 16, the first hospital envelope days late effects of polio, which will be carried out in hospitals in the province of Cádiz and Málaga.

Poliomyelitis, disease in the 1950s and 60s of last century affected in Spain 87875 people, in some 15056 Andalusia, in the province of Cadiz 2315 and in the province of Malaga to some 2821, with the passage of time means for us, the people affected, a new condition, that no one told us that we were going to have, and which diminish our quality of life.

For many years, we have been doing activities of a life as normal as possible, doing a muscle overwork that we know today that we didn’t have done, which at the moment causes us what various authors call the delayed effects of polio, among which stands out a disease known as PostPoliomielitis syndrome, which, although it is known from the year 1874, was not until January 2010 when who included it in the international classification of diseases, version 10, as a separate pathologic entity, assigning code G14.

with these days, we want to inform those people who have to make sure our health, namely our health establishment and of course to all those affected by poliomyelitis. these delayed effects, and particularly syndrome PostPoliomielitis

The conferences are held in:

-Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, 12 September
-Hospital in Jerez de la Frontera, 13 September
-Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real, 14 September
-Hospital Regional Universitario Carlos Haya, on 16 September

registration for different events can be made on our website, click here.