el Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela implements a program of Humanized childbirth

humanized childbirth favors the minimum intervention without sacrificing necessary medical care

– offers a care individualized for each woman who can decide with the medical team among the different possibilities at its disposal

– respects the natural process of childbirth in a specialized medical environment that guarantees the safety of mother and son

-choose the position more suited to give birth or walking during the phase of expansion are two of the options available under the new programme

– tries to avoid artificial rupture of the bag of waters and the episiotomy cut surgical to expand birth canal

Madrid, June of 2012- Sanitas hospital has set up a protocol of Humanized childbirth that offers individualized attention every woman and favours minimal intervention during childbirth, provided that the safety of mother and child are guaranteed. The program starts in the Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela.

It’s humanizing the Act of giving birth, make it more natural and intimate, without renouncing the medical intervention in those cases that childbirth complicate and run risk the safety of the mother or the baby ”, explains Dr. Ignacio Cristobal, head of service obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela.

With the new Protocol, the patient is informed of the options available for making decisions together with the team of professionals responsible for their care. Need to know their expectations and preferences to accompany her in the birthing process, their needs and respect the way in which prefer to live the birth of your baby ” highlights Dr. Ignacio Cristobal. So women choose on issues such as the environment; the means to relieve the pain or the process to follow in the periods of delivery: dilation, expulsivo and childbirth.

Eliminates pusies and enemas and limits the use of oxytocin

To create a close and intimate environment, Sanitas hospitals offers adapted spaces, individual rooms of dilatation that allow the patient to be accompanied by the chosen person. The goal is to recreate a close and reassuring atmosphere where women can also wear personal clothing, put music or take other personal effects to help during childbirth.

Fetal well-being is checked with continuous monitoring that allows to control the constants of the baby and the contractions. To not restrict the mobility of the mother, the rooms are equipped with wireless monitoring equipment.

As far as it concerned relief and pain control, you can resort to pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. The pharmacological include nitrous oxide, anaesthesia and analgesic effect gas epidural. Can also consider the application of anesthesia epidural without blocking engine so that the patient can move in dilation and take the most comfortable position ” highlights Dr. Ignacio Cristobal. Non-pharmacological methods, Sanitas Hospital offers various resources of psychological and physical support such as massage, stimulation of skin, contrasts of cold and heat, etc.

With childbirth humanized also change practices approach until now routine. It is the case of the enema or shaving of the pelvic area, that with this Protocol, are only made if necessary or at the request of the patient. Neither causes artificial rupture of the stock market, known as break waters, provided that the dilation progresses properly. It also limits the number of vaginal examinations to the essential minimum. The use of oxytocin, drug to increase the frequency, the pace and intensity of the contractions, shall be limited to cases of need. He is not necessary if the progress of the delivery is the appropriate ”, adds Dr. Ignacio Cristobal.

Other recommendations for the dilation phase are drink soft liquids and stay not necessarily lying down, but move and adopt any position in which the woman is comfortable. Two recommendations that remain in the expulsivo phase, when the expansion has been completed and the baby’s head is located at the end of the birth canal.

At this point, humanized childbirth favors make the pujo spontaneously. For women with epidurals do not perceive the sensation of pujo or contractions, the medical team indicates when should push. On the other hand, the practice of the episiotomy, a surgical cut that allows expanding the birth canal, is restricted only to those cases that require.

Encourage contact skin with skin and breastfeeding in the first hours

Once born the baby, humanized childbirth prevents the separation of mother and child. If possible, keep the skin contact so long as the mother and the baby need. Routine postnatal care of the baby as weighing, administering eye ointment, vitamin K, vaccine hepatitis, etc., must be below ” explains Dr. Ignacio Cristobal. The skin contact is possible even in the case of Caesarean sections or breastfeeding can be measured in more complex deliveries in the first hour of life ” adds.

The new Protocol of Humanized childbirth, which is already underway in the Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela, is aimed at women failing to present any obstetric risk, so it is not indicated, inter alia, for those patients who suffer from diseases like high blood pressure or diabetes or require caesarean section or the induction of labour.

This Protocol has been prepared by all the gynaecology service of the hospital and midwives services of anesthesia and Pediatrics are also involved in its implementation, and involves a change in philosophy in caring for patients.