Good oral care should begin early in the life of the people not to damage to health or appearance. Attention to these precautions have to be put into practice even before the emergence of the teeth of babies.


there is no reason to use the standard procedures of oral hygiene before six months of age, since it is at this stage that the teeth begin to appear. But other oral care routine should be parents, such as the prevention of tooth decay caused by the use of the bottle. /


babies eat through the bottles may have caused tooth decay due to frequent exposure of liquids containing sugar. The accumulation of these liquids around the teeth for long periods of time causes tooth decay. For this reason, never let your child fall asleep with the baby bottle of milk or juice in your mouth. And after each feeding, clean your teeth and your baby’s gums with a gauze or cloth wipes. /


Currently there are already products with quality recognized for special care with the small. The TePe company, specializing in oral hygiene products, has several models of brushes for children to grow up with the perfect smile and free of annoyances. All with extra soft bristles and aligned to sanitise without assaulting the gums of children. These models feature ergonomic cable to allow a good grip on head, and small hands can be angled to brings to facilitate hygiene performed by parents in their children


: Service/> TePe: Rua dos Andradas, 167-Centro-Rio de Janeiro – RJ/> Cep 20080:-021/> Tel: (21) 2203-0116/2223-0930.
