hundreds of locals participate in world’s largest tooth repair

-The sculpture, seven meters, this weekend was installed in the Plaza de Callao and exceeds the record for height which until now had a tooth located in New Jersey, USA

-Sensodyne Repair & Protect action wants to raise awareness of the importance of dental health, since half the population does not go to the dentist

Madrid, April 2012.- Sensodyne toothpaste brand installed this weekend the tooth, largest in the world in the Plaza de Callao in Madrid. Hundreds of locals have participated in the initiative that aims to raise awareness about the need to monitor our dental health and especially draw attention to the problem of sensitivity, which affects a third of the Spanish population. The giant Sensodyne tooth has lots of small holes that simulate the tooth points exposed to the sensitivity. Citizens have filled these holes armed with huge tubes of toothpaste and assisted a large flight of stairs.

La gran muela de Sensodyne, de siete metros de altura, supera en dimensiones a la escultura dental que hasta ahora tenía el record mundial y que se encuentra ubicada en Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos.

Want people to aware of oral hygiene in these times of crisis, in which we neglect the visit to the dentist ”, stated the spokesperson of Sensodyne Miguel Ortega. According to the latest Nielsen data half the population does not go to the dentist or performs annual reviews, figures that worsened since the crisis began.

Las agresiones de los alimentos y una limpieza inadecuada van deteriorando nuestros dientes, de hecho el 80% de los ciudadanos tiene empastes. Dentist Victor Begara assured that the major problems presented by patients in consultations is plaque, tooth decay and a third of the population comes with problems of tooth sensitivity ”. Tooth sensitivity is characterized by pain brief but intense everytime we take something cold, hot, sweet or acid and sometimes simply by brushing and using the right products can be prevented.

All citizens who have participated today in the repair of this giant tooth have also played in the competition ‘ the money you spend ’; a competition with a prize of 2,000 euros for those who best know the habits of dental hygiene, the equivalent of what we spend our life in toothpaste.

The Spanish consume the year 114 million tubes of toothpaste, an average of 6 pipes per household. According to data of the Homescan study, published in June, 2011.

About SensodyneRepair & Protect

SensodyneRepair & Protect is the first toothpaste for daily use which protects and repairs the sensitive area of the teeth. It is the only toothpaste that contains the patented Novamin ® technology, the same technology that is used in the field of bone regeneration. This innovative component of calcium phosphate allows you to locate and repair the sensitive areas, using the same natural elements of the tooth.

Several studies have shown that using 2 times a day Sensodyne Repair & Protect, repair of continuous teeth, as well as strengthen them and protect them from future episodes of sensitivity.

Sensodyne Repair & Protect incorporates a unique desensitising technology that creates a restorative layer on the exposed dentin and serving as effective and durable barrier against the pain of tooth sensitivity.