I day integrative medicine: “ the fusion of medicines ”.

Spain, February 2012.- celiac disease, side effects of chemotherapy, fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis are only some of the ailments and diseases that integrative medicine (IM) brings significant benefits to complement traditional medicine. To publicize the me, the medical team of the Zeta Omega clinic, specializing in integrative medicine, has organized a day tomorrow in the Col • legi American of Barcelona, involving numerous specialists and patients will bring their own experience.

The structure of the day is 5 blocks of 90 minutes each in which will address issues of nutrition (celiac disease), Oncology (complementary to chemo and radiotherapy treatments), Neurology (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s), rheumatology (fibromyalgia) and Psychology (stress, anxiety and depression). All of them are treated from the point of view of integrative medicine.

Integrative medicine is a new way of understanding health and disease, which places the human being at the Centre of attention of the healing process. Apply the most effective natural treatments, along with others from the conventional medicine to treat common diseases from a new perspective. Through treatments individualised according to the patient’s needs and characteristics, power reduction or withdrawal from unnecessary medications. Prestigious international centres that have incorporated years the integrative medicine in its centres guarantee its effectiveness. Among them:

as Pioneer Centre and has University studies:

-Arizona Centre for Integrative Medicine

as a hospital where applies the my within the public health system of the United Kingdom:

-The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM)

as prestigious worldwide clinics:

-clinic may

-Stanford Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford Hospital

La integrative medicine is usually made from a multidisciplinary approachwhere several doctors and therapists address different aspects of the patient. For this reason, during the day will be specialists from various disciplines, also testimonies by representatives of some of the major associations related to the above-mentioned medical areas.

Interested persons can follow the Conference in two ways: on a face-to-face basis, by registering through the form which you will find here or if prefer you, you can also do on-line, connecting to the web clinic on February 22, that all conferences will be retransmitted live.