(Ii) advanced training of endoscopic Nasosinusal surgery with live surgery sessions and dissection by the students.

Spain, 2011-March N.A.S.A.L. (Nasal air flow Advanced Systems Laboratory) in collaboration with the Felippu Institute and the service of Otolaryngology of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón Madrid, has organized the II course advanced for surgery ENDOSCOPIC NASOSINUSAL ”, which will take place in the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, and in the laboratory of dissection of the Faculty of Medicine of the University autonomous of Madrid on 28, 29, 30 and 31 March 2011.

Throughout the program, the foundations of the Centrípeta technique of endoscopic surgery nasosinusal, its application in benign inflammatory and tumoral pathology, tumor pathology cases and trends in advanced endoscopic surgery (off-limits) will be addressed from the theoretical and practical perspective. During the three first days will be broadcast live surgeries and before each intervention will take place the presentation of each of the cases to end debate on a table round the last day of the program is devoted exclusively to practice, dissection of corpse in fresco, by students.

The course will be taught in its entirety by Professor Alexandre Felippu, Director of the Instituto Felippu of São Paulo (Brazil), and Dr. William Sanjuán of Moreta, attached to the service of ENT Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Madrid, and will also feature prominent interventions of: Dr. Bartholomew Scola YurritaHead of the ENT of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Dr. Antonio Sousa Vieira, President of the S.P.O.R.L., and Carlos Ramirez Calvo, attached to the service of ENT of the Hospital de Henares in Madrid.

Throughout the course the NASAL view 3D tool that facilitates the learning of the anatomic structures through an innovative formula shall be used: recreation in 3D of the nasal cavity and its adjacent structures, which provides a detailed record of such a zone anatomical knowledge. This will allow the student move in a spectacular way in surgical practice.