III fundamentals course of the mechanical ventilation of the critically ill patient in the Henares.

the scientific endorsement of several societies.

Spain, March 2012.- For the third consecutive year, the University Hospital de Henares hosted the III course Fundamentals of the ventilation mechanics (invasive and non-invasive) of the critical patient, organized by the service of intensive care medicine of the University Hospital de Henares for two days. The course has had the endorsement of the Spanish society of medicine intensive, critique and coronary units.

The course has been aimed at internal resident doctors and medical specialists in its first years of activity concerned in refresh knowledge on mechanical ventilation. The course is inspired by the PACT European training programme with the aim of facilitating the understanding of this module students and serve as aid for the European certification of competencies.

The course, given its approach to practical, had a limited forty student capacity. It was completed in the first month following the announcement of the event and eventually counted more than 100 requests for participation. attended forty students of all Spain, specialists in the management of critical patients.

As guests this year involving medical experts in the management of mechanical ventilation that they have done in multiple studies and clinical trials of international level (Dr. William Muñiz-Albaiceta, Dr. Marcos Delgado Martín, Dr. Fernando fruits Vivar, Dr. Antonio Núñez Reiz)(, Dr. Santiago García del Valle and Manzano, Dr. Nicholas Nin Baeza and Dr. Diego Rodríguez Serrano) as well as other members of the service of intensive care medicine in the Hospital de Henares.

During the development of the course combined theoretical part with internships in groups where were four fundamental workshops: workshop of ventilation (ARDS), workshop ventilation (COPD and partial support), monitoring (interpretation from curves) workshop and workshop of clinical cases (Patient Challenges).

The course had the endorsement of three scientific societies; the Spanish society of medicine intensive, critique and coronary units (SEMICYUC), the society of medicine intensive care of the community of Madrid (SOMIAMA) and the society of intensive care medicine and coronary units (SOMIUCAM).

The course has also been endorsed by the University Francisco de Vitoria and has been credited by the Lain Entralgo Agency.