CROs prepare contributions to the new code of Dental Ethics.


Missing just over two weeks to the end of the term, the regional councils of dentistry (CROs) run to collect suggestions for updating the code of ethics of the dental class. The entities have until August 31 to deliver their demands to the Federal Council of dentistry (CFO), which will discuss the formulation of a national scope document in the 4th National Conference of Dental Ethics (Coneo), between 07 and November 10, in Goiás

Each CRO must propose assemblies in their municipalities and States to discuss the changes that the category waiting for updating the code of ethics. Many entities have already done their homework, as is the case of representatives of the Paraná, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro and Amazonas, among others. Surgeons-dentists can contribute with their suggestions even after the completion of the assemblies, you only need to contact their respective CROs.

the CRO of São Paulo preferred promoting meetings in different regions of the State to facilitate the access of participants. Some of the assemblies still have the open enrollment and can be made by the institution’s site


surgeon-dentist can participate in the elaboration of new dental Ethics Code by contacting the CRO

of your state.

