incontinence associated with menopause … a myth!

today 18 October is celebrated the world day of menopause

El Instituto Indas ensures that, far from assume ‘ arrival at old age ’, menopause is a stage full of opportunities for women, in which urinary incontinence should not be seen as a consequence ‘ normal ’, but as a pathology should be treated. Anyone with leaking urine should consult the specialist.

Spain, 2011-October there is the belief that incontinence is something normal ” in the older woman, especially since the enter menopause. A totally wrong concept that society should abandon ”, warns Dr. Manuel Fillol, gynecologist and member of the Committee of experts of the Institute Indas coinciding with the world day of menopause, which takes place today, 18 October.

In this way, the Indas Institute breaks the myth that urinary incontinence associated with menopause. According to data from the National Institute of statistics (INE), 19.6 per cent of Spanish women has between 45 and 59 years, and a 14.1% between 60 and 74 years, and most enjoys good health. Also, life expectancy is currently around the age of 85, which is why should not be the menopause as a disgrace. It is a new stage of personal growth, full of possibilities and we must not relate to the appearance of diseases ” explains Dr. Fillol.

Loss of urine are associated with the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor, which may be due to various factors: the overload of the same (by obesity, pregnancy, constipation, etc.) and the loss of its quality. Belief that incontinence associated with menopause, can be related to the fact of the loss of quality of tissues that age may condition. But we cannot say that there is a causal relationship between the two. Either way, it is a condition which must be diagnosed and treated, never assume it as something „ normal what happens with the age ” advised the expert gynecologist.

For each type of incontinence treatment

Not all incontinencias are equal; There are different types, and each of them has different treatments. The most frequent are the stress incontinence, involuntary loss of urine coinciding with a blow of cough or physical exercise; the urge incontinence, loss of urine preceded a urgent desire for urination; and mixed incontinence, which is the combination of the two previous ones.

If the patient presents stress incontinence, most advisable are Kegel exercises, a table of muscles of the pelvic floor rehabilitation exercises and, in the event that he is overweight, dieting. If stress incontinence is urgent, in addition to the above measures, the patient must train his bladder, being disciplined for going to urinate, trying to make it every two or three hours. In these cases, it is also usual to prescribe a specific medication ”, points out Dr. Fillol.

Incontinence, although it is not a serious disease, can considerably impair the quality of life of the patient. All this must take measures to prevent the emergence of this disease as: strengthen pelvic floor muscles, not to exceed consumption of cafes and exciting, controlling the excessive intake of fluids, and maintain a healthy and balanced diet to avoid overweight, obesity and constipation.

In Spain, more than 2 million people suffer from urinary incontinence and more than 6 million people has been leaking urine at some point in his life. But despite this high prevalence is a pathology infradiagnosticada because there are still many women who live with her in silence, shame or modesty.

The Institute Indas recommends that, to the minor symptoms of urinary incontinence, you consult with your doctor, who will perform the diagnosis and, according to this, will recommend the treatment proper.