Increases the use of metabolic in diabetes surgery to demonstrate its effectiveness in children’s obesity degrees.

nearly 600 specialists meet in Valladolid on the occasion of the 7th meeting of Diabetes and obesity to the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI) held on 24 and 25 January.

– until now was reserved to cases of morbid obesity

-obesity is a cause of 9 of every 10 cases of diabetes, which affects 14 per cent of the population in Spain

-more than 60% of the adult population has an excessive body weight, causing the huge increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the world

-nearly a quarter of the patients hospitalized in internal medicine services are diabetic, what supposed 285,000 hospital admissions each year in Spain

-the Group’s Diabetes and obesity of the SEMI is developing several studies to study anti-diabetic treatment in hospitalized patients and analyze hypoglycemia occurring during hospitalization and after the high

Valladolid. January of 2013- until recently, the use of surgery in diabetes was reserved for patients presenting with morbid obesity; However, based on the latest evidence, surgical treatment has been shown to be beneficial in diabetics with lower degrees of obesity, allowing remission of the disease in a high proportion of cases ”.

So says Dr. Ricardo Gómez strikes, Coordinator of the Group of Diabetes and obesity of the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI) on the occasion of the 7th meeting of Diabetes and obesity of the society being held in Valladolid on 24 and 25 January and in which you participate near 600 physicians – mainly internists also endocrinologists and mefamily physicians-.

The doctor Gómez Huelgas points out that it is foreseeable that the use of diabetes metabolic surgery expanded significantly in the coming years, while their technical complexity and high costs make that so far it being used in a small proportion of patients.

Currently, more than 90% of patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. In Spain, as in other Western countries, more than 60% of the adult population has an excessive body weight, essentially causing the huge increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the world. In particular, 14% of the Spanish adult population is diabetic.

Therefore, says the doctor Gómez Huelgas, the meeting aims at the approach of new treatments for type 2 diabetes and obesity, including the latest advances in bariatric surgery. We will discuss the treatment of diabetes in special situations (hospitalization, discharge from hospital, elderly population immigrant and pregnancy) and how to prevent hypoglycemia, one of the most feared complications of antidiabetic treatment ”.

Other innovations that are discussed in the meeting are, from the technological point of view, continuous glucose monitoring systems, a technique hitherto little used in patients with type 2 diabetes but which has great potential to improve the degree of glycemic control. Therapeutic innovations that arise at the meeting include the new GLP-1 analogs, the new insulins and glucosuricos agents.

The first weeks after discharge from hospital, key in diabetic treatment

According to the Coordinator of the meeting, the first weeks after discharge from hospital represent a critical period, during which the metabolic decompensation and hypoglycemia risk increases significantly ”. For this reason, the SEMI, in collaboration with the Spanish society of Diabetes (thirst), has drafted a consensus that incorporates the main recommendations to proceed safely to the adjustment of the treatment in diabetic patients after his release from the hospital.

Also in this regard, Diabetes and obesity of the SEMI Group is developing several studies for understanding the adequacy of antidiabetic treatment in hospitalized patients and analysis of hypoglycemia that occur during and after hospitalization, and studying influence renal function has the choice of hypoglycemic treatment.

All this because, as pointed out by the doctor Gómez Huelgas, type 2 diabetes is a complex disease involving multiple defects fisopatologicos (insulin resistance, deficiency of this, default incretinico, hiperglucagonemia and central mechanisms, among others). The great challenge for the near future is to offer a personalized treatment to each patient based on their individual characteristics ”.