el Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina performs its first immediate breast reconstruction

important improves the quality of care

Madrid, 2011-October the unity of breast of the Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina, integrated services of Gynecology, General Surgery, Oncology, diagnostic image and pathology, has successfully conducted its first immediate breast reconstruction (RMI) in an affected cancer patients breast. The RMI implies a significant improvement of the quality of care in the hospital for women affected by this disease. The patient benefited from a single intervention in which removal of the affected area (mastectomy) took first place and subsequently ran the restoration of the chest.

Immediate breast reconstruction includes significant advantages: reduced surgical acts to a single operation and reduces the suffering of the patient, their emotional impact and the fall of self-esteem. Furthermore it means less health costs to reduce consultations, tests and income to which the sick must be submitted.

In 2010 the Hospital Infanta Cristina breast unit has operated in 51 patients with breast cancer, of which 72 per cent were surgeries conservative (including technical oncoplásticas to reshape the breast), and 72% undergoing node biopsy technique Sentinel (in collaboration with the Department of Nuclear Medicine of the University Hospital of Getafe). 69.6% Of surgical procedures were ambulatory. This initiative is a step in the work of the breast unit, which has improved its range of services without prejudice to the effectiveness, by introducing the immediate reconstruction with prosthesis and increasing the quality of care of mastectomee patients.