sterility is a health problem that affects 1 of every 10 couples in reproductive age

Nela Garcia inaugurated the IV update seminars in reproductive medicine at the University Hospital of Bank.

-the day has brought together more than 60 specialists from various health centres to discuss the care of the patient.

-external factors as tobaccostress, overweight or unbalanced diets damage the fertility of couples.

Alzira, March 2012.- Infertility is a health problem that affects 1 of every 10 couples in reproductive age. As well as have said specialists the Hospital Universitario de La Ribera that have participated in the series of lectures on reproductive medicine organized by the health centre of Alzira.

This meeting has been opened by the Regional Secretary of the Ministry of health, Nela García, who pointed out that, according to data from the Spanish society of fertility, 3 out of 100 children born through assisted reproduction techniques. In addition, infertility affects 1,000,000 people in Spain and the demand for reproductive medicine increases every year 5%.

On this day, entitled IV update seminars in reproductive medicine, more than 60 experts and specialists have discussed and analyzed the best strategies in the care of the sterile couple, as well as recent advances in fields as the selection of sperm or reproduction in patients with endometriosis.

Attendees have coincided in pointing out that sterility (inability to achieve pregnancy) is a more widespread problem due both to pathologies – for example, the endometriosis-and life habits acquired today by the population. In this sense, the consultation of functional Gynecology of the University Hospital de La Ribera attends about 300 couples each year.

NELA García has remembered that Spain is European leader in terms of the number of assisted reproduction treatments and care resources are of high-quality ”.

In the opening ceremony, the Regional Secretary has been accompanied by the managing director of the Hospital Universitario de La Ribera, Manuel Marín; the Commissioner of the Ministry of health, Mª Angeles Matoses; and DRA. Maria Rita mirror, gynecologist and specialist in reproduction assisted Center alzireño.

Following this line, the doctor Marin has called by the scientific training of professionals as soon as continuing advances occurring in the field of reproductive medicine and the technicality of treatments. Hence the importance of this day ”

cause of infertility

experts who have participated in this Conference have affirmed that scientific studies show that healthy lifestyle habits have gained great importance as the fertility of couples. Thus, specialists ensure that factors such as smoking, overweight, medication, unbalanced diet, stress or alcohol reduce the options to achieve a pregnancy.

In this sense, Nela Garcia explained that not always behind the infertility is a disease, also there are personal choices of the woman or the couple. The lifestyle of the current woman, postponed the age to which decides to become a mother, moment in which fertility has declined and often requires medical help ”.

In addition, participants have also ensured that endometriosis has become one of the main causes of infertility, that more than 30% of women who suffer from it have to resort to artificial fertilization techniques to achieve pregnancy.

This pathology refers to those cases in which the tissue of the uterus grows outside it forming ovarian cysts and scars in the form of adhesions which can affect all organs pelvic and abdominal, including bladder and intestines. It is a disease that affects 20% of young women and significantly reduces their quality of life given the pain that it causes during the menstruation, sexual relations or with a chronic pelvic pain that cannot be controlled with standard pain treatments.

García opted for basic, clinical and epidemiological research speed to evolve human reproduction techniques is fast and will be even bigger in the next few years and expected that the problems of infertility increase andtherefore also the demand for treatments ”.

Finally, Nela García pointed out that assisted reproduction has become a topic of great social and professional interest, not only by the progressive increase of couples claiming to help to achieve a pregnancy, but by advances that occur in this specialty, advances that allow to carry out techniques and procedures almost unimaginable just a few years ago ”.