Statement on the latest EPOS.

Spain, November 2011- A few days after completion of the incorporation of optional to the places of family physician of the last public offer of employment for primary care in the community of Madrid since the madrilenian society of General physicians and family (SEMG-Madrid) want to publicly express:

-Our joy to see a process of consolidation of squares resulting from the application of the extraordinary EPOS marginalized Madrid doctors to do not contemplate the activity performed in traditional model of quota and Pediatrics, which has been for many optional quite traumatic for almost closed endboth by the way in which it has developed and what it meant.

-Our satisfaction by the nearly thousand of colleagues who have been able to consolidate its square, the vast majority of applicants with extensive experience and knowledge gained over years of dedication to the public health system Madrid, seeing thus somehow recognised the effort, that thanks to the Ministry of health of Madrid has been able to add overall part of the value, fulfilling the promises made in the year 2006 in the Assembly of the College of physicians.

-Our concern by the companions who have not accessed the plaza, with our hope that counseling is in brief the way to solve a situation that should not be, covering these places with interim contracts and calling the following opposition in the shortest time possible and evaluating the experience accumulated.

From this scientific society always us we congratularemos by the improvement in the employment situation of the first level of care physicians, insofar as we understand that health care quality and equity that we always stand also includes the treatment they should receive the professionals who contribute with their daily efforts to be possible.