you probes magnetic intelligent against colon cancer

use of nanoparticles against the metastases

-A joint investigation of the Hospital of the University of the Pais Vasco UPV/EHU and Galdakao developed a technique for the diagnosis and treatment of metastasis of colon cancer, through nano-particles deposited in the tissue tumor

– are developing some substances with a double utility: the diagnosis by MRI or computed tomography of liver metastases from colon cancer and the selective destruction of cancerous tissue ”, points out Dr. José Javier Echevarria, Coordinator of the research

– retrieved magnetic fluid is deposited by intra-arterial route in the tumor tissue and are activated nanoparticles using radiofrequency; these are heated and lead to hyperthermia and coagulative necrosis in the tissues.

-technique has been tested with promising results in rats and has won several national and international awards, as the ‘ Scientific Exhibition Award ’ in the European Congress of Radiology or the prize to the best communication from the last Congress of the Spanish society of surgical research.

Bilbao, April 2012.- A technique to diagnose and treat metastases from colon cancer at the same time through nanoparticles. This is what leads developed over six years by a group of researchers constituted by optional services of Radiology and pathology Anatomy of the Galdakao Hospital with doctors of Osatek, as well as with the collaboration of professors and researchers from the faculties of medicine and of science of the University of the country Basque UPV/EHU. With the collaboration, Furthermore, researchers technological centre Joxe Mari Korta de San Sebastián, and the Fundación Vasca de Innovación e Investigación Sanitarias, BIOEF.

All of them work in a line of research focused on the development of agents (diagnostic and therapeutic use) teranósticos of application in the pathology of liver metastatic colon cancer. The aim is to obtain some substances with a double utility: diagnosis by MRI or computed tomography of liver metastasis of cancer of the colon, and selective destruction of the tumour tissue by heat ”, explains Dr. José Javier Echevarria, responsible for the unit of Experimental Radiology of the radiodiagnostic service of the Hospital in Galdakao, and project coordinator.

What this team is doing is the production and study of different types of magnetic nanoparticles of magnetite, funcionalizadas with different types of substances (called nanocomplejos), which are deposited in the tumour tissue. These nanocomplejos to be subjected to an external inductor system of radio frequency, are activated and generate heat; to reach a certain temperature, cause hyperthermia and coagulative necrosis of tumor tissues where they are deposited ”, points Echevarria. This technique is designed for those metastases that removal by surgery is impossible, and is less invasive into the fluid with magnetic nanoparticles through intrarterial. So far, the research group has obtained promising results when applying this technique in experimental animals.

Awards and publications

The line of research carried out in Galdakao and UPV/EHU during this period has been already recognized nationally and internationally, and several works have been published in the Spanish journal Radiology on two occasions and in the international publication International Journal of Nanomedicine. In addition, has achieved numerous awards, award for the best communication poster emphasizing 17TH Congress SEIQ (Spanish society of surgical research), which is the most recent; the awards Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude from the congresses (Spanish society of medical radiology) SERAM XXIX and XXX, respectively; or international level Scientific Exhibition Award Certificate of Merit of the ECR (European Congress of Radiology).

In addition, fruit of this experimental line, the research team has produced other 12 scientific papers in conferences, nine of which have been international both within the European Union events and United States.