interválico physical exercise improves the cardiac rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a heart attack or a serious cardiac pathology

-A complete RC programme must include clinical evaluation, optimization of drugs, physical training, psycho-social rehabilitation, assessment and reduction of risk factors of coronary heart disease, modification of the style of life and patient and family education

-the majority of patients who come to the program are postinfartados, postrevascularizados, or persons that les has been a change of heart valve.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2012-may The recovery of a person after suffering a heart attack or severe Cardiac involvement entails both physical and mental rehabilitation and a major change in the life style established so far. Within the physical recovery, the patient must be a physical exercise designed to your specific pathology and should be controlled by specialists, one of the lines of work marked by the unit of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) of USP La Esperanza. Mode of exercise interválico stresses within physical exercise routines, set out in the programme, that it is an important improvement in the rehabilitation of patients.

While in past decades the RC programmes training was based on continuously and aerobic type exercises, today the inclusion of strength training and aerobic training interválico are fully recommended services RC to assist the patient in the restoration and improvement of the condition both muscle strengthcardio-respiratory ón ”, points out Sara Maldonado, DRA. in CC. physical activity and sport in the University of the Basque country (UPV) and responsible for the area of physical exercise of this program.

Previous studies have shown the safety and feasibility of strength training in various cardiovascular diseases and ranges of age, including pacientes mayores de 65 años. In addition, studies in stable patients with coronary artery disease and heart failure have shown also that can be more work before it reaches the fatigue by exercising with work interválico to more intensity than the same amount of work on an ongoing basis to moderate intensity, getting even greater cardioprotective benefits ”, confirmed the specialist in Physiology and design of physical exercise for health.

So important is the most appropriate exercise for each patient as the control and supervision of the same, for this need cardiac rehabilitation program is individualized, adapts to the capabilities of each patient, which will be marked by the results of the stress test, and that the exercise is controlled by specialists, in our case, professionals in the area of physical exercise ”, points out Sara Maldonado.

The main objective of a cardiac rehabilitation program is to help the person concerned in their recovery and in some ways, help them recover their previous life. The vast majority of patients who come to the program are afraid that may again suffer an episode of infarction, arrhythmia … but they themselves are surprised what they are capable of doing, while at home follow trying them to dependent totals ”.

Multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation program

A complete RC program should include the following components: clinical evaluation, optimization of drugs, physical training, psycho-social rehabilitation, assessment and reduction of risk factors of coronary heart disease, modification of the style of life and patient and family education.

The program begins with a stress test, which values the variables physical and physiological, directed by Dr. Ignacio Camacho, cardiologist of USP La Esperanza. According to the head of the section of physical exercise, the majority of patients are postinfartados, postrevascularizados, or persons which there has been a change of heart valve ”. Depending on the result of the test and associated pathologies of the patient, an individualized program is designed. In general, 36 monitored sessions of physical activity with a frequency of 3 sessions per week are held.

In each session are developed cardio (bike, elliptical or treadmill) and exercises of force – works with loads of progressively-, deepen breathing technique. In the final part of the session is back working – abdominal and lumbar – exercises and stretching. During the whole session of exercise prevents the patient perform exercises in which should lie down and get up to prevent episodes of hypotension ”, explains Sara Maldonado.

Another novelty of the agenda are sessions in pool, which also includes cardiovascular exercise and strength. At the end of the 36 sessions, another stress test is performed to monitor the patient, analyze the improvements and adaptations and if everything is correct, your cardiologist gives discharge.

Patients who so wish, can follow a continuation of physical exercise program. From the program we try to remove the fear of patients when it comes to physical exercise, reeduca les in the correct way of doing this and they are able to make them in the agenda for resumed alone ”, confirms Sara Maldonado.

Within this programme of re-education, patients learn to change habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Should change their lifestyle, avoid a sedentary lifestyle and even eating habits. The expert in nutrition, Iñigo Sáinz, doctor designed them a healthy nutritional program suited to his pathology. A healthy heart starts with a healthy life ”, highlights the specialist in Physiology and design of physical exercise for health.

About the USP hospital group

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Madrid, USP hospital is the first hospital private group in the Spanish market. Currently, USP hospital boasts a network of 12 hospitals and 23 health centres which assist 4,000 doctors annually serving more than two million patients. In addition, at the beginning of 2012 is expected between commissioning a new Hospital USP La Bay in El Campo de Gibraltar.