Investigate and innovate for the improvement of the care primary.

-primary care has an excellent strategic position to obtain epidemiological information, research activities and the application of new knowledge to aid the patient

-30 November held a forum with the intention of combining clinical and research experience of the health care and research staff with the potential for innovation by enterprises in the sector

Zaragoza, December of 2011- the primary health care is the first point of contact of individuals, the family and the community with the health system and constitutes the most appropriate level of care for the prevention of disease and health promotion. Why primary care professionals are excellent strategic location for the collection of epidemiological information, research activities and the application of new knowledge to aid the patient.

In the specific field of the primary health care the impact of the results of the research is immediate. Patients can benefit almost immediately of the new evidence generated by the research groups that focus their activity in the top tier health care. For this reason, clinical research at this level should be considered as a profitable, efficient and must have the place it deserves in the biomedical context.

The universality of primary care opens up significant opportunities related to research and innovation, including therefore the participation of innovative companies. In Aragón there are already significant business collaboration experiences related to e-health and pharmaceutical innovation, but it is still long way to go.

In this regard, on 30 November took place, in the room of degrees of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza, Forum research and innovation in primary care with the intention to connect and enhance the dialogue between the Aragonese research groupsjunior researchers, the spin-off and enterprises that can contribute innovative ideas.

The Forum was organized by the Institute of research health Aragon (IIS Aragón), within the framework of the collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences (I+CS).

It also highlights the collaboration of some companies in the sector, such as Sanofi, Casen Fleet, QOOLIFE and Araclon Biotech.

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About the IIS Aragon

The IIS Aragon was established by an agreement of collaboration between the I+CS (Instituto Aragonés of Sciences health), service health Aragonés, Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet and the University of Zaragoza. Mission is to facilitate the generation and application of scientific knowledge capable of improving the health of the population.