José Luis Güell, new President of EuCornea, the European specialists in corneal and ocular surface society.

Barcelona, January 2013.- El Dr. José Luís Güell, Coordinator of the Department of cornea and refractive surgery at the Institute of Ocular microsurgery of Barcelona (IMO), is the new President of EuCornea (European Society of Cornea & Ocular Surface Disease Specialists), position held since last January 1.

The ophthalmologist of the IMO was appointed in the post by the Board of EuCornea last September, during the last Congress of society, which since its foundation in 2009, annually attracts renowned experts and researchers in corneal and ocular surface in the world. During the opening ceremony of the meeting, held in Milan, Dr. Güell accepted his role as future President and paid tribute to his predecessor, Dr. Harminder S. Dua, of whom extolled its work tireless and highly professional ”.

in his new role, Dr. Güell will assume the command of the entity, whose main objective is to disseminate worldwide the highest knowledge of Ophthalmology, specifically in the field of corneal and ocular surface, in order to promote scientific research and establish a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas for the specialists in the area. of This way, not only EuCornea seeks to improve the relationship and collaboration among professionals, but also the link with the patient, facilitating a more accurate and personalized standard of care ”, explains Dr. Güell, one of the founders of the institution, along with the doctors François MalacezeVicenzo Sarnicola and Harminder Dua. According to the specialist of the IMO, to offer a specific space for the deepening and a plot with great potential, wide EuCornea growth and complements the work of the ESCRS (European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons) ”, society Dr. Güell also chaired between 2008 and 2010, being the first Spanish appointed to the, circumstance that is repeated on this occasion.