La la siesta is a custom of more beneficial to health of the Agency. Perhaps one of the reasons for which the Mediterranean countries, regular practitioner of this custom, have some of the longest life expectancy of the planet …

a real pleasure and a great moment of relaxation and rest, a not very long NAP can be a recharge of batteries for the body and mind. But there is no question to the NAP in any way; There are a number of effects (such as sleep disturbances or headache) that can be prevented with a few simple precautions.

lie down to sleep immediately after eating it is a mistake that may cause alterations in the digestive process, with the consequent feeling of discomfort. It is better to wait an hour after eating, perhaps talking or reading, and avoid the dream lasts for more than half an hour. Nor should sleep after six and a half in the evening, as there is the possibility of trouble to reconcile sleep for the night

If you think you lie you to the siesta in conditions … forget it! Pour the siesta in totally horizontal posture can cause problems of reflux or heartburn. The best: lie down on the couch or in a comfortable armchair, as comfortably possible. And if we suffer from habitual insomnia, although NAP is recommended for everyone, the best thing is to dispense with the NAP (the same applies to those who you work shifts), because that can interfere with sleep cycles and cause significant turmoil.

Image / Cell15.

Tags: Tips sleep, napping, sleep disorders