sao Paulo, 30 mar (EFE).-the former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva compared the treatment received against the cancer of larynx with “a bomb of Hiroshima”, in an interview published today by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

“I think that it is the most sensitive disease.” It is sweeping. “I came with a tumor of three centimeters and suddenly received a Hiroshima bomb inside me,” said exgobernante in allusion to the sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which doctors have removed cancer.

After being diagnosed with cancer last October 29, Lula was subjected to chemotherapy until December and then passed by 33 sessions of radiation therapy, which concluded at the end of February.

Oncologists serving it announced Wednesday that noted “the absence of the tumor” with an MRI and a laryngoscopy.

In the interview, Lula said that he still has “very sore” throat, prevents him to eat normally, especially hard foods.

Former President said that “if he had lost the voice, he would be dead” and defined as “a medroso” which is very frightened to death, despite being religious.

Reiterated its intention to return to politics, to work with some candidates of the workers party (PT) in the October municipal elections and to support the head of State, Dilma Rousseff, in his work of Government and its likely claim to re-election in the presidential elections of 2014.

However, Lula said that he has no desire to fulfil a political agenda “so amazing and crazy” as that followed in its first ten months after leaving the Presidency, that led him to make more than 30 international travel to give speeches and receive awards.

“I do fewer things, better quality, (going to) participate in elections more selectively, to help my fellow Dilma more selectively, in what she understands that I can help.” I will go back calmer. “The world not just next week”, he added.