the Dental Institute and maxillofacial surgery in Madrid says that it is possible to improve the oral health of the population with primary prevention measures.

Madrid, November of 2012- after a recent study published by the know about the Spanish population oral health, which is estimated to suffer from periodontitis, medical dental Institute team to the rededor of 50% of individuals age 45 and maxillofacial surgery in Madrid says that oral health is effectively improved in our country and that that can be achieved through the application of measures of primary prevention and awareness campaigns on the importance of periodic revisions to the specialist.

Diseases of the gums and the support tissues of the tooth, i.e., periodontitis, increasing its frequency depending on the age of the population. Lack of habit for dental revisions in many cases involve a late diagnosis of the disease and, as a consequence, the loss of teeth that could have remained in the mouth.

In the case of definitive loss of teeth, the best technique to replenish them are implants of endosseous, which currently is possible to place them on the same day that the extractions are performed you dentarías and very often are loaded with dentures in that same medical Act also. It is clear that the long-term survival of implants exceeds age 35 with greater than 90% success rates when patients are disciplining with hygiene and visits to your professional. Thus, a problem detected on time could be treated.

Therefore, it is possible to improve the oral health of the population with primary prevention measures, complying with dental revisions and through health education and health promotion activities.