Permanent makeup or micro – pigmentation, is a process that involves the introduction of certain pigments in the skin layer called epidermis, through a needle of size extremely thin.

While it is similar to a tattoo does not receive neither name nor this consideration. To find at a superficial level, each a year and a half or two, should be refined, as the pigments reabsorb as they pass the days.

The same

is similar to a delineation of the areas that you want to highlight, correct and up to improve. In some cases, have been implemented to hide the eyebrows avocado, or certain malformations in the corners of the lips, among other things.

The Yes of the dermo – pigmentación:

The makeup is permanent, so you’ll always be presentable.

No running water or sweat.

As already mentioned, it might be useful to improve any imperfection to level face.

It also suggests to conceal wrinkles.

You can consult, to practice the process in other parts of the body.

The no:

Must be maintained, controlled and modified.

Use caution in case of diseases such as HIV infections, allergies, pregnancy, hepatitis, etc.

Freckles, moles and warts, must be avoided when passing the needle with color.

The application must be very detailed, careful and precise, because if it is bad we have to wait at least 24 months until it is absorbed by the skin and disappears by complete.