Medicinal has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. It is often used to treat indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive discomfort, hiccups and some types of cough (specifically the wet cough which implies excessive formation of phlegm).

Traditional Chinese medicine also ensures that the skin of Mandarin stabilizes, regulates and normalizes the flow of the vital force (qi), relieves congestion and increases the flow of fluids in the body. mandarins young and even green skin is used to treat pain, especially in the flank and breast, as well as the derivative of the hernia. Is used in the treatment of the low blood pressure and the breast inflammation(en_combinación_con_otras_plantas).

It is an ingredient in many Chinese tonics traditional as employees to treat gout, nausea morning in pregnant women, sexual problems such as low sperm count, impotence and ejaculation early.

Another application main is in aromatherapy, to stimulate the lymphatic system (network of organs that produce and transport lymph from tissues to the bloodstream), remove excess fluid, encourage the flow of urine and combat obesity. In several European countries is known above all as a remedy for children and elderly.

One of their oil is often used in pregnant women, as well as being soothing and calming which makes it useful for stress, emotional stress, depression and disorders related to sleep.

On the other hand, its oil has a cosmetic use, in various skin disorders (heal scars, do away with brands and even acne) and to clean the skin of fats.It is also an ingredient in herbal formulas for domestic animals, especially to treat meteorísmo, excess gas in the intestine causing spasms and swelling abdominal.

Enciclipedia of the alternatives medicines, MedlinePlus, and Consumer Eroski. Health and food

Tags: medicine traditional Chinese remedies, alternative therapies, natural therapies