Mediformplus: training in 2013 for the pharmacy.

-Mediformplus continues his bet by the formation to the Pharmacy at the national level during 2013

-face-to-face formations combine a theoretical part and a practical, providing attendees the tools to implement them in the pharmacy

-Mediformplus bet this year by online training through its web, as a complement to the already seated face-to-face training

Madrid, January of 2013- Mediformplus, Spanish leader in the management consulting and Strategic Marketing for the pharmacy, keeps its training plan for Pharmacy staff. The aim, once again, is to equip the offices of Pharmacy assistants of the necessary tools to achieve improvement in attention and service, increasing the productivity and profitability of the business.

Formations continue combining a theoretical part with a practice, in which used role plays of sales, workshops, examples … to provide identifiable tools for attendees ”, according to Raquel Vicente, trainer of Mediformplus. In addition, face-to-face training is complemented this year by online training, that pharmacists may be performed through the Web of Mediformplus in the coming months.

The formations organised for 2013 are:

-training in management:

-management by business unit, gun, remains this 2013 training that aims to achieve excellence in the management of the pharmacy. This technique is divided into four fundamental aspects: product, computer, consumer and surface of sales.

– how to sell more in times of crisis ” is a training based on the concept 1 + 1, addressed to the entire team of pharmacy. It is a training in techniques of Cross – Selling and recommendation based on the 20 best-selling specialties in each pharmacy. A theoretical and practical training that has a module of sales techniques in counter, where they work directly with the individual cases of each pharmacy.

-different speakers will show successful ways of managing the pharmacy. In the first quarter of this year, Antonio Torres, holder of the pharmacy towers, will be responsible for explaining how to adapt the Botica to the context of ever-changing living sector.

– there are a variety of topics that are elements of training according to the relevance that have today. These include social networks, which continue to be a tool for pharmacies to seize opportunities that gives the new reality in which we find ourselves. Therefore, in 2013 will be organized three seminars on the universe 2.0 – Advanced (Iniciacion-medio).

-Advanced sales techniques: it’s a new way of working the cross-selling in which the course attendees will learn to develop protocols for sale and put them into practice. The first workshop of this 2013 is diet, which will be held during the months of January and February.

-prospecting trips: since 2003, Mediformplus organises travel with a group of pharmacists to other countries to meet and learn other business models to apply to the Office of pharmacy. This year the destination is London.
Is also performed for pharmacies VIPs first trip to France and the other for the new Boticas to the Côte d’Azur.

-Meetings FENG: Is the eighth year that Mediformplus organizes meetings FENG in different Spanish cities with high level of management experts to learn and share experiences that help to improve pharmacies. In 2013 will be held in Mallorca and Málaga.

-Management Conference: Meeting national management, II III Meeting European of management that are intended to show forms of success to adapt to this time of crisis and to improve the pharmacy business model.

All these face-to-face formations will be combined with an online from the website of Mediformplus platform, which allows greater flexibility to pharmacists. Pharmacists often make significant investments in our pharmacy, forgetting that the best investment, the most effective and the most profitable is our own personal ”, says the Director of Mediformplus, Luis de la Fuente.

About Mediformplus

Mediformplus is the Spanish leader in strategic consulting for Marketing and management for offices of pharmacy, which advises on key aspects such as internal organization, marketing and sales, purchasing and stock management. Enjoying a human capital consultants of extensive experience in the sector, and has been working since 10 years with more than 400 drugstores throughout Spain, with the objective of helping them day by day to differentiate them and prepare them to work effectively to a future of great changes.