ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, United States.UU. (AP) – the Mexican Consulate in Albuquerque was awarded a grant of $35.908 to program Hispanic scope of cancer at the University of New Mexico Center.

The program, called window of health, offers New Mexico Hispanics culturally relevant information on health and medical service providers of low-cost reference.

The Consulate made a ceremony of signature of the cheque on Tuesday when the Consul Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de León presented funding to Cheryl Willman, Director general of the Centre of cancer of the UNM.

Society between the Consulate and the UNM Cancer Center was released for the first time in 2008. Since then, the UNM said it has helped more than 30,000 residents of the State to receive information that can potentially save your life, and it has referred and attended more than 500 patients diagnosed with cancer in the UNM Cancer Center.