More than 4 million women in Spain do not seek solution to its problem of incontinence.

14 March: international day of the urinary incontinence.

-affected women have twice the risk of depressive problems

-86% of those affected fear social rejection by their situation feel

Madrid, March of 2013- urinary incontinence affects about 6 million women in spain1 but more than 80% of them not tells your doctor, in the majority of cases by shame or as an inevitable consequence of the passage of the years. For this reason, coinciding with the world day of the incontinence urinary, American Medical Systems (AMS), leader in solutions for pelvic health, started an awareness campaign to help women understand that incontinence is a problem of health, as well as to teach them how to detect it and show them different treatments and options at your fingertips.

And, as age progresses, the likelihood of incontinence is higher: after 35 years, 25% of women have it, a percentage which grows up to 50% from 65. In addition, its effects do not occur only at the level physical but also psychological and social, impacting negatively on the quality of life.

In fact, according to an estudio2, women with urinary incontinence are more likely to suffer depressive problems. Those affected often find difficulties in activities such as exercising, having sex or just wander and that produces them insecurity, seriously affecting their self-esteem.

How to detect it

There are a number of symptoms that may indicate the possibility of suffering from incontinence problems. It’s aspects such as the fact of suffering leaks to the laugh, sneeze, jump or perform some other sudden movement, have problems to hold the urine to rush to go to the bathroom, to observe changes in the frequency with which are urine or do this too often, among others.

Any of these changes may be a signal that is something not working correctly and, therefore, it is necessary to see a doctor.

Dr. Gregory Escribano, Chief of Urology of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, says: women know their bodies better than anyone, so it is important to be attentive to the signs that this sends them to indicate that something is wrong and that they attend the doctor when this happens. We know that many feel shame, and for this reason it is important to also engage families in the task of raising awareness. Many women come to our consultation animated by their daughters, granddaughters or friends, who have perceived a change in behaviour or any sign even though it has tried to hide, and have urged them to seek help ”.

a problem that has a solution

fear of social rejection that it States an 86% of the afectadas3 addition to ignorance, which are highly effective techniques to treat the problem, such as screens or surgical slings, offering a greater than 90% effectiveness. It is an intervention that, in many cases does not require hospital admission, whereby a material in the form of hammock, is placed to hold the urethra and strengthen tissues that are weak, what allows you to regain control of the bladder.

Why specialists insist in the need that the incontinence stops being a taboo and that affected women attend the consultation to learn about the treatments that exist today. And it is that, when a woman presents involuntary leakage of urine, you should know that the urologist deals with this disease, which is common among women, and that in many cases, after the proper diagnosis, a targeted treatment can achieve improvement and even cure the problem.

Dr. Eduardo Bataller, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Hospital Clinic, concludes: there is no reason why women not to fully recover their quality of life when they are diagnosed with urinary incontinence. Thanks to advances in science, there are safe and effective techniques to help them regain control of their bodies to live without being tied to a constant nuisance ”.


American Medical Systems has more than 35 years providing medical devices of the highest quality which are mainly used to treat male pelvic disorders. In recent years, it has continued to research and develop devices and therapies of high quality and medical efficacy for pelvic health of men and women. Diseases addressed by our solutions include male and female urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, prostate disorders, urethral strictures, pelvic organ prolapse and fecal incontinence. These diseases decrease significantly the quality of a person’s life and profoundly affect their social relations.

Our products allow doctors to restore dignity and control of their patients through therapy or surgical implantation of medical devices. AMS has a reputation consolidated thanks to the performance of its products and technical innovation, and our commitment is to make our solutions the least invasive where possible.

We work with urologists, gynecologists, uroginecologos and Coloproctology, satisfying their needs and working with them to create new technologies that can be used safely in the hospital or the doctor.

The number of people living with a pelvic disorder is increasing rapidly, but most still don’t know that their illness is treatment. Our global team is well positioned and focuses on the vision of the future, and aims to help men and women from around the world to achieve the quality of life you want.


1 Data of the Observatory national in the incontinence urinary.

2 A Canadian study published in the March/April issue of Psychosomatics 2007 found that women suffering from uti have almost twice the risk of depression than those who do not suffer from it.

3 Data of the National Observatory of urinary incontinence.