More than 70% of the aesthetic consultations in summer are bodily.

– from May to August, patients who come to the surgery and aesthetic medicine centres seek above all weight loss and eliminate cellulite

-A personalized diet of protein contribution and the combination of aesthetic treatments are the key to achieve this

– still time to get ready for the summer

Spain, 2011-June according to Dr. Carlos San Martín, responsible for the unity of aesthetic medicine clinic London we are at the time of the year in which más seeks quick and effective weight loss and recover the silhouette for the summer ”. So much so that more than 70% of all patients who come to the centres of medicine and cosmetic surgery do so requesting body treatments (1).

In this regard Dr. San Martín ensures that one of the most effective to be about to face the summer treatments is the combination of a diet of protein contribution supervised by an expert with a circuit of body treatments customized for each patient. In addition, and although it is always best to look after themselves throughout the year, are still in time get ready for the summer as the effects of these techniques tend to be very fast and are also fully compatible with the Sun.

– In clinic London works with diets MOLDEA 5 and MOLDEA 10, based on a protein contribution and perfectly calculated to lose the kilos of safe and effective way, to spare (5 kg in 1 month or 10 pounds in 2 months). These diets are always carried out under medical supervision. But also for those people who do not need to lose weight, London clinic specialists give nutritional guidelines that favor the Elimination of cellulite and localized fat, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatments.

-In addition, in the unity of aesthetic medicine clinic London are designed custom circuits that include the latest techniques to fight against cellulite or sagging, as it is the case of cavitation, Mesotherapy… being the expert who advise the best RF Indiba for each case. key to the treatment ”, says Dr. St. Martin, is to use these devices in a combined manner, promoting one or another type of cellulite to be treated and the characteristics of the patient ”.

* Reference price would be approximately 1,500 euros for 30 sessions body treatments combined with control of weight and advice nutritional.

(1) According to internal data.

Clinic London has 13 centres in Spain, more than 10 years of experience and belongs to the Bavaria group. It was the first clinic in Europe to achieve the certification of quality ISO 9001-2000