motherhood delay passes we invoice.

– only half of the women of more than 30 years trying to become pregnant succeed within a year.

-35 years the ovaries have aged, only 10% of them and their quality is worse.

– coinciding with the mother’s dayTOP clinic and Institut Marquès put in place the week of the fertility i.

-3-7 May will offer free checkups so that any woman can know their chances of getting pregnant.

Barcelona, April 2010.-
do you know if you can’t wait? With this slogan and coinciding with the next celebration of mother’s day on Sunday, may 2, CIMA clinic in collaboration with Institut Marquès implements the week fertility I, that from 3 to 7 may offer fertility check-ups free of charge to those women who wish to know their current or future become pregnant possibilities.

The question Doctor, I have children? ” is repeated again at the consultations of the gynecologists. The delay of motherhood is a fact, and the perception that increasingly there are more couples with problems to have children, specifically 1 of every 5. Find out in time if there are no problems to conceive can be key to better plan the decision to have a son.

The so-called fertility check ” which will offer during the first week of may (to ask for time you only need to call the 672 285 379) includes a detailed history, a study, ultrasound, a hormone analytics and an analysis of the chromosome map. According to the DRA. Marisa López-Teijón, head of assisted reproduction of Institut Marquès, the woman is born with a certain amount of eggs created during intrauterine life to go two over the years. At age 35 is only 10% of your total reservation and over time there are not only less eggs but they also worsens his quality. This explains that for example, a 40-year-old woman has 5% chance of getting pregnant while maintaining regular sexual intercourse in their cycle fertile days ”.

Also with the woman’s age increases the likelihood that the embryo that forms has chromosomal abnormalities which will be to not evolve or cause an abortion. After 36 years, at least half of the embryos are carriers of chromosomal alterations.

But not always chronological age corresponds with ovarian age: some women have especially generous reserves that will allow that they conceive met 40, while other younger may already have aged prematurely ovaries that will prevent pregnancy. It is therefore important to carry out the necessary tests to know with what outcome we are, and properly treat possible disorder, if it is that our plans enters having a child tomorrow.