Music music therapy is a sensory therapy based on the use of music, as well as any associated with this element to achieve a benefit on our body.

Is a discipline artistic scientist who tries to work with the patient and its surroundings with a technical specialist for every ailment. They are or he is not hear music without ton. The musicoterapeutas tend to be psychologists, psychopedagogues or educators differentials.

With music therapy tries to exert a beneficial impact on the fields of affective, cognitive and psychomotor patient; are these three which are affected by music. Generally during this therapy are generally sound, play instruments, sing evocation exercises, analysis of lyrics, musical improvisation, etc.Music is often used in patients with brain damage, ill psíquiátricos, terminally ill patients in the process of detoxification, people with anxiety or depression and people with disorders of socialization.

There are several studies showing the benefits of music about both the patients and their caregivers.

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Tags: benefits music, music therapy, alternative therapies