Washington, 8 mar ( EFE).-the NASA warned that communications on Earth can be affected today by the storm solar is expected to reach the planet.

Two huge flares solar space prorrumpieron last Tuesday, according to detected Ground relations (STEREO) Observatory and Observatory Solar and Heliospheric (SOHO), two major NASA missions studying the Sun.

The first, which has been ranked as the largest of this cycle of solar activity and the second largest detected since 2006, travels to more than 2,000 kilometres per second while the second, a little slower, 1,770 kilometres per second.

La NASA expected the electromagnetic storm caused by solar activity this Thursday the Earth and Mars on the 1825 GMT, and in its route will close several ships in NASA as a Messenger, who is studying mercury, the telescope Spitzer and STEREO-B.

The sun goes through regular cycles of activity and every eleven years approximately produces a peak in activity which usually produce storms which sometimes disfigure and even cross the Earth’s magnetic field. This is one of those years.

The space agency has warned that although not afraid for their ships, as a result of the increase in the levels of radiation received can register network problems of power supply in high-frequency radios and devices GPS.

Experts estimate that the effect of the solar storm could be extended for three days, although it will have special impact in the next 24 hours.

The flares originated in an active region called AR 1429, which has increased its activity in recent days, and where Moreover produced two Coronal solar mass, travelling to 482 kilometers per second and could reach the Earth in the next few days.

The plasma of the solar ejection will create a severe geomagnetic storm that can also affect communications and is expected to cause auroras you will see in low latitudes. EFE
