allergies. Bothersome symptoms that make life a little impossible, such as the stinging in the eyes, the moqueo and nasal irritation. But as we have said many times, in nature we can find many remedies for this kind of evil

As the antihistamine star, have the garlic and onion, which have been used historically to combat allergic problems. Both are ideal for maintaining our defences in good condition and allergic symptoms will be minor. the aloe vera, which is a powerful stimulant of the immune system, since their intake helps to reinforce the defenses of the organism, as well as being a perfect balancer and its functions is another great known.

Some herbs such as echinacea tea, help us much relieve symptoms well taken infusion or vapours with him. Although it is always best to go to the doctor, in cases of allergy, nobody better than him, well know help.

Viton life and Natura

Tags: allergies, natural remedies