
New a new case of the disease caused by the apparently deadly virus NCoV, has been detected in a French patient, victim of what seemed to be a common flu.

Data provided by the Ministry of health of France say that the patient is being affected by a coronavirus that causes a kind of cold able to cause death.

NCoV virus has killed half of people who got infected, and many episodes of this disease have been detected in the Middle East, and more frequently in Saudi Arabia.

Sadly the 31 cases have been detected, 18 have been lethal. Researchers who have been given the task to analyze the virus, declared that this virus is particularly difficult to remove.

The Frenchman who has infected with this virus is a man who recently had traveled to Saudi Arabia, and believed that I had been infected during their stay at this place.

This virus works exactly like a coronavirus that has the same characteristics of the common flu, but the question is that the disease is complicated and its eradication is worse and can lead to pneumonia or severe failure of the lungs.

For the moment there is a concrete form of detect the NCoV, because it is very rare, but if someone is spread of this virus is when problems start.

Researchers have begun work on a possible solution to eradicate or undermine the potential threat posed by this virus for humanity.