
has developed a new cancer treatment that may improve the quality of life of many people without side effects.


A different from many of the t erapias to treat cancer that currently exist, this new treatment is free of harmful reactions and the body remains unscathed, unlike of with the current alternatives.

a group of scientists from the University of Missouri, in the United States, have been working for 40 years in a cure against cancer, basing treatment on the boron neutron capture.

Finally, our team found the way to do this type of therapy work; based on nanochemistry, the biology of cancer cells can be modified .

As we know, the infected cancer cells grow very rapidly and that the cause of that advance the disease is that the body ends up being consumed by disease.

Therapy against cancer involves cancerous cells to absorb the medicine in the body, as if it were nutrients normally stolen human body and so easy destroy cells filled with boron neutron.

The best of all of this, for more invasive appearing, is that the healthy cells remain unharmed and so far, nothing harmful has happened with this treatment (same which has been tested with rats for many years).

Has not become specification about which types of cancer may be treated with this new therapy, but given emphasis to that are different and that as experimentation on humans, will give new details on this possible cure for cancer.

Hope that clearer details are taken as soon as possible, since this advance in medicine could save many lives when it is developed correctly (and clear, have availability for all).