Washington, 9 oct (EFE).-the 5 per cent of the population adult suffers depression in Latin America and Caribbean, but six out of ten do not receive treatment, as reported today by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

on the occasion of the world of Mental Health Day which is celebrated on 10 October, the World Health Organization (who) regional office recalled that this disease affects 350 million people in all the world.

the Agency noted that you despite being a treatable illness, there are still many patients who do not seek or do not receive the treatment they need and in Latin America about 63,000 people commit suicide annually.

La PAHO points out that many patients hide their depression to avoid being stigmatized and therefore has launched the campaign “depression, a global crisis” so that it knows the disease and those who suffer from it to learn how to recognize and deal with it because “it makes good prognosis if it is at time and in an appropriate way”.

“You have to erase the idea that all depression will need drug treatment,” said the Chief Adviser in PAHO, Jorge Rodríguez. mental health

light cases and some moderates “can be solved, basically, support social, family, brief psychotherapies or other forms of psychosocial intervention that may be performed by primary health care physicians or community organizations that provide support to persons”, explained.

in this sense, the organization regretted that still lack investment in primary health care in the region, where the percentage of the health budget allocated to mental health is less than 2 percent and this, 67 percent goes to psychiatric.

No obstante, la OPS reconoce que ha habido avances y el 76,5 por ciento de los países de América Latina y el Caribe cuenta con un plan nacional de salud mental.

La depresión es el trastorno geestelijke que más afecta a la población nl el mundo y se calcula que el 25 por ciento de la población mundial padece uno o más trastornos mentales o del comportamiento een lo largo de su vida.

Los trastornos mentales y neurológicos representan el 14 por ciento de la carga mundial de enfermedades a nivel mundial y el 22 por ciento nl América Latina y el Caribe.

Entre los trastornos mentales nl América Latina y el Caribe, la depresión es la que más impacto tiene (5%), seguida de los trastornos de ansiedad (3,4%), la distimia (1,7%), el trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (1,4%), trastorno de Panico y psicosis geen afectivas (1% cada una), en bipolaire wanorde (0,8%), o.a..

depressie neigt te zijn vaker voor bij vrouwen dan bij mannen. Tussen twee en vier van elke tien moeders in ontwikkelingslanden lijden tijdens de zwangerschap of postpartum depressie. EFE