Tokyo (Reuters) – a bear panda that was born at Tokyo’s Ueno zoo died of pneumonia Wednesday, less than a week after her expected birth was received with great enthusiasm.

the cub was found motionless, unless his heart beat and resting on the belly of its mother. it was carried to an incubator but efforts to revive him failed, said those responsible for the zoo.

“It seems that when the baby was being breastfed, it might have inhaled some milk, which caused a pneumonia”, said the director of the zoo, Toshimitsu Doi, in press. wheel

the mother of the panda, Shin Shin, arrived from China in February 2011 with your partner, Ri Ri. both were exposed to the public shortly after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in the next month, giving Japan a joy after so much misfortune.

the hoopt dat werd geboren een nieuwe panda kwam nadat beide werden geregistreerd paring eerder dit jaar, en bevallen van Shin Shin, zeven jaar, de 5 juli. was de eerste panda in de dierentuin in Ueno geboren in 24 jaar.

groei van de Welp werd gevolgd door middel van communicatie op een dagelijkse basis, met televisie beelden die de wit-haired pup toonde tollen in de incubator of op de borst van zijn moeder bezoekers wordt geknuffeld stroomden in menigten aan de dierentuin.

“zijn echt bedroefd met wat er is gebeurd. Het is alles wat ik zeggen kan, “zei Yutaka Fukuda, adjunct-directeur van de dierentuin.