San Salvador, 28 mei ( EFE).-ten minste 24 mensen zijn gedood in El Salvador in tot dusver dit jaar vanwege de diarree, zei de ambtenaar broncodes, welke ook gewaarschuwd voor een toename van de incidentie van dengue en influenza a.

in wat het gaat dit jaar, het ministerie van volksgezondheid opgenomen “24 gedood door diarree in het hele land”, zei op een persconferentie de Salvadoraanse Vice-Minister van gezondheid, Violeta Menjívar.

benadrukt dat gevallen van diarree en gastro-enteritis zijn toegenomen 20 procent ten opzichte van dezelfde periode van vorig jaar.

een Health spokesperson said to Efe that 163.374 cases of diarrhea and gastroenteritis, have been recorded since January to date 27.024 rather than the 136.350 recorded during the same period the year earlier.

last year during the same date 19 people died, said the source.

Menjivar also stressed that cases of dengue this year have “tripped three times” in relation to the same period of 2011.

last year (from January to may) 631 cases of dengue were registered this year over the same period while there 1.806, of whom 98 were of the hemorrhagic type, explained.

between 9 and 10 may the Ministry of health carried out the first national day against dengue, to prevent a rebound of this disease, which so far has caused the death of a minor child at the beginning of the year.

the dengue fever is a viral disease that is transmitted by the bite of the mosquito “aedes aegypti” and is recorded especially in the tropics and subtropical.

Menjivar reported, in addition, that there is a “high rise” of cases of influenza a.

in that sense, the official explained that three cases had been registered by this date last year and currently there are 50, without deaths, have been reported.

despite the increase in cases, the official said that “is not (an outbreak) epidemic”, but a wake up call the population to take preventive adequate measures, such as washing hands, said.

between June and August is when most circulates the common flu virus and a, so at the beginning of this month the health portfolio launched a national campaign of vaccination. EFE