Bogota, 24 Aug (EFE).-nearly 3,000 students from three schools, like other 400 person, were evacuated today emergency by a strange smell registered in several neighborhoods South of Bogota, reported the district system of prevention and care of emergencies.

the Agency, through a statement pointed out that “emergency that originated by a smell whose source has not yet been established”, affected students of three colleges, and workers from two companies located in the locality of Ciudad Bolívar.

he explained that initially reported an odor in the school district Cundinamarca, where evacuated 1,200 students and later the international Polytechnic Institute was necessary to evict 350 pupils.

as closing night, 1,148 the Lara Bonilla School students were also evacuated, while other persons correspond to industries that operate in that part of the city.

the District gezondheid secretariaat, gemeld dat 60 kinderen werden gewaardeerd op plaatsen geëvacueerd, van wie vijf moest worden verwezen naar een lokaal ziekenhuis, vier aandacht gekregen bij inademing van product niet nog geregistreerd.

na enkele uren van zorg in het gebied, de post opdracht unified, PMU, werd ingetrokken omdat de geur is verdwenen, maar de autoriteiten vervullen inspectie, bewaking en toezicht in het gebied.

“tot nu toe niet zijn vastgesteld van de bron noch het product dat de noodsituatie gegenereerd”, herhaalt de verklaring. EFE