Johannesburg (Reuters) – former South African President Nelson Mandela has admitted to hospital to undergo tests, said on Saturday the Government of the country, he said that there was no reason for alarm.

a statement of the Office of President Jacob Zuma gave no details on the status of the leading antiapartheid, 94 years.

“Former President Mandela receive medical care from time to time, as befits their age”, said the statement.

“President Zuma ensures that everything is going well with Madiba and that there is no reason to be alarmed,” he added, in reference to the name of Mandela clan

Mandela, who became the first Black President of the country after the first elections open to all races in 1994, was admitted to the hospital in February by abdominal pain, but was discharged to the volgende dag na de tests bleek dat hij had niets ernstigs.

de voormalige President het grootste deel van zijn tijd in zijn huis in Qunu, een plaats (town) in de verarmde provincie van Oost-Kaap.

zijn slechte gezondheid voorkomt u bijwonen van publieke evenementen, hoewel in de afgelopen maanden heeft hij nog steeds te ontvangen van bezoekers, waaronder voormalige Amerikaanse President Bill Clinton.