(www.neomundo.com.ar/Enrique Garabetyan) pathologieën aan onwillekeurige bewegingen, meestal geassocieerd met sommige neurologische aandoening gerelateerde zijn veel. en de epidemiologie – het aantal patiënten die lijden aan hen – is in volledige opkomst.

“bewegingsstoornissen en ongecontroleerde tremoren zijn manifestaties van vele andere neurologische ziekten. pathologieën steeds meer gemeenschappelijke. bijvoorbeeld, een meer gebruikelijke voorwaarde is de ziekte van Parkinson, en geschat wordt dat elke 1000 een geval van dit kwaad mensen”, verklaarde neuroloog Anthony Lang, maximale gezag van de internationale bewegingsstoornis samenleving.

maar deze deskundige toegevoegd een ander detail: “zoals het verhoogt de leeftijd van personen, zal gevallen toenemen”.

geschat voor Argentinië cijfers geven aan dat de prevalence is 1.4% in the population over 55 years, which rises up to 4.5% in the population over 85 years. by way of example, it is estimated that in a country like Argentina, about 70 thousand people who suffer from Parkinson’s.

Lang – which is currently researcher at the Toronto Western Research Institute – also stresses that the overall figures for these afeccione are rising.

, Diagnostics, treatment not

specialist commented to Neomundo.com.ar that “a complex issue with which grapple doctors and researchers, is to treat that advances in diagnostic early diseases–and their possible treatments – go of the hand.

“We must try to find effective options for treating the patient; because if only we can move forward with early detection, but we have no therapeutic resources to deal with the problem, are not providing an advantage to the patient”.

< p”> At this time there are many investigations that seek to detect symptoms that may indicate that – in years to come – will develop a neurological problem; but a reliable in the hands of neurologists diagnostic tool there is, still, clinicians.

Lang commented that this situation is similar to what many experts in bioethics arise about whether is positive, or negative, for the well-being of the patient the power to do genetic studies a person, whose results indicate possible predisposition to suffering from certain diseases, for which – for now – there are no cures or treatments.

and its opinion, controversial, is that this type of test routinely while it recognizes that it is a phenomenon which is growing. and even in extremely simplified form should not be made: today a person can take a saliva sample and send it to scan to a lab that will return a report in the mail in a few weeks.

Lang has no problems in being categorical about this possibility: ’I believe that this generates many problems’. and although he claimed the right to know and choose, considers that these results should be interpreted by a specialist with the patient.

What comes

for this expert, in the near future medicine dedicated to the theme of abnormal movements will see important progress in a particular field: ’it is difficult to predict with certainty, but I think that major improvements will come in new therapeutic options that would achieve current treatments – that have – to improve its effectiveness in patients’.

at the same time it is also skeptical over other options which are today looks with much consideration in many specialties, such as the use of stem cells for the treatment of specific as el Mal de Parkinson. themes

The visit

< p’ > Lang bezocht Argentinië in het kader van een internationale cursus gericht aan jonge neurologen, georganiseerd door de Fundación INEBA (Instituut voor Neurowetenschappen Buenos Aires).

dacht dat het idee van deze vergadering, genaamd “Inleiding tot de studie, identificatie en beheer van abnormale bewegingen”, al een paar jaar, toen de MDS de Panamericana sectie geroepen ter bevordering van het onderwijs van ziekten die verband houden met bewegingsstoornissen, door middel van de opleiding van vakmensen “, vertelde Dr. Emilia Gatto, cursus directeur en hoofd van het gebied ziekte Parkinson en aandoeningen van het verkeer van INEBA.

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